Young, tribeless Seeker of the Sun. His childhood was spent on a pirate ship, learning how to climb, run and the basics of reading and writing. Youth was spent wandering Thanalan on his own, looking for a home and doing any odd jobs he could to earn money. He eventually settled in the Mist, buying an apartment and making roots in Eorzea.



.ONE. Any rp type welcome. E/MRP and dark RP welcome as well as regular slice of life..TWO. I'm in EST timezone so please be considerate of that when planning things. I can't be online on the game too late.THREE. In-game RP as well as Discord RP are both welcome. Ay'rees works at a few venues so feel free to come by any of them to chat and RP as well. I welcome spontaneity.

.FOUR. I'm 23 Y/O so I ask no one is under 18 for E/MRP but any age can approach for SFW RP..FIVE. I don't welcome hate of any kind in my RPs or interactions. Homophobia, transphobia, abelism and racism will end with me blocking you. I'm queer and my character is disabled so respect me and I will respect you..SIX. Consent is key in any kind of interaction. In the same way, I will always accept "no" or "I don't know" as an answer. I ask you do the same..Seven. Ay'rees is polyam meaning he's open to having multiple romantic relationships. Because he works as an escort he is open to having sexual relationships with many people..Eight. I'm still a sprout, in Endwalker patch content.Discord. aressun_


NAMEAy'rees Barush
AGEEarly 20s
ORIENTATIONBisexual (heavy male preference)
PARTNER(S)Kokoro Amatsubu
WEIGHT125 lbs
HAIR COLOURDark orange with grey highlights slowly becoming more and more white
BODY TYPEEctomorph, fit and lean
PIERCINGSDouble lip rings and septum ring
LIKESCrowds, sitting in the sun, autumn weather, mixed drinks
DISLIKESHot weather, being ignored
HOBBIESStargazing, dancing

If at first you don't succeed, try harder. Maybe some force is needed.


Ay'rees was found inside a barrel of rum on a pirate ship as a small, young boy. He was taken in by the captain of the ship, a middle aged lalafel. Starting as a lookout for the ship, and getting the nickname Flash for his reflective eyes at night as he used the Crow's Nest. He was a great climber so the highest part of the ship became a safe spot for him as he looked out for everyone.
A few years later, the excitable, loud miqo'te was settled into the ship and happily living with his adopted mother, the lalafel Lalana Lana. The happiness lasted a few more years until he was almost an adult. He woke up in the middle of the night to a horrible storm that was throwing the ship around. The ship eventually crashed into some rocks and broke, sending the crew into the water. The next thing he knew, Ay'rees, dazed and confused, was waking up in Horizon, recovering from a head injury. He didn't remember much of anything other than the silhouette of a lalafel and the salty air and his name. A name given to him by someone who had only heard of miqo'tes so she tried her best to give him a good name.
A month after he woke up in Horizon, Ay'rees felt his memories start to resurface. When he remembered his life with his adopted mother, sadness filled the miqo'te and he looked down at his hands. He had to find Lalana. His sadness shifted to action and he began searching for the lalafel. He started at the waters near where he was found, asking around Vesper Bay and Horizon to see if they had seen her. No one he spoke to had seen the captain and he was starting to struggle with keeping hope.
That was when he remembered a story about creatures of death seeking out powerful people. Ay'rees went around Vesper Bay, looking for anyone who knew more about these creatures. He learned they were called voidsent and started looking for ways to summon one. At the same time, he used his knowledge of fighting from being on the pirate ship to teach himself to become stronger in an attempt to lure a voidsent out to him. The attempt to get stronger ended up attracting a voidsent that came to devour his aether.
The encounter with the voidsent left Ay'rees with only a portion of his aether left and he managed to fight the voidsent off. It left him with a chronic fatigue problem because his total amount of aether was smaller than most. He got tired easier than most and using magic was difficult for him but not impossible. As well, teleporting was difficult, leaving him exhausted so he could only teleport twice a day. Because of this chronic fatigue, he uses a cane to keep himself steady when he gets hit with dizzy spells.
Darkness: Contains Heavy Sexual Topics
After the ship was destroyed and he left Ul'dah, Ay'rees was left alone, homeless, and without any gil to his name. He knew he needed gil to survive, especially in Thanalan, a heavily capitalistic region. Because he didn't know how to best earn gil because he didn't have many skills, he was easily cornered and convinced to join the sex trade before he was a legal adult.
The miqo'te was cornered in the Ul'dahn markets while begging for gil for food by a large hyur who showed him a way he could make lots of gil with just his assets. The hyur soon started pimping the young man off, even making a fake ID for him to pretend he was of age. Because of his naiveté and lack of experience, Ay'rees didn't realize how horrible some of the things he was made to do were. His pimp was paid premium for providing a young virgin and started to provide Ay'rees with stimulants to help him pretend to be a virgin for as long as he could.
Whoring himself out began to take a toll on the young man's mental health. He began thinking his only worth was in his physical attractiveness and became a very flirty, horny person, addicted to hardcore sex. As well as that, barely any kinks fazed him anymore and he started telling his partners to do anything they wanted to him. He would do anything for money, the number of boundaries he had slowly vanishing until, at the present, he had only two. Don't make him eat shit and don't kill him.
As an adult, the miqo'te started working at as many jobs as he could have without becoming too burnt out. This included a brothel, a gay bar and a fight club. It was at said fight club where he made a dangerous enemy in someone he won in a fight against. He was challenged to a fight to the death by said man outside of work and just barely made it out alive because he was saved by a third party. Someone who, unbeknownst to him, was a head of a dangerous clan.
He told the woman, Yuri Senju, about his encounter with the voidsent and she generously offered to help cleanse his aether of the void corruption. Because of this offer, Ay'rees went with her to the main house of the clan. It was there where he was told he should join the family. Hearing that, the young miqo'te joined the family as a slave, one of the members of the family with the most protections as he was told. He soon learned that life as a slave wasn't anywhere near as easy as he had thought it would be and it started sinking in once he was officially a slave with a fresh and painful brand.


Ay'rees worships Llymlaen of the twelve because he was brought up on the sea and it is a very common thing for most sailors to put their faith in the Navigator. He will often wish people well by telling them "Navigator fill your sails". It's hard to grow out of habits from childhood, especially for someone still so young.
Growing up on the sea, surrounded by sailors, he is also superstitious and a firm believer in the supernatural. These beliefs include things as simple as knocking on wood to avoid being jinxed and things as dangerous yet uncommon as voidsent, even before he encountered one.
He always makes sure to thank Llymlaen when he sees a ship dock safely. His trust in the goddess has waned because she didn't keep his ship safe in their time of need but despite that, his faith stays strong and he believes that one day it will be repaid and his prayers will be answered.